5 Heating Repairs to Stay on Top of this Fall

5 Heating Repairs to Stay on Top of this Fall

Montana typically endures over half a year of winter. In Bozeman, residents embrace this lifestyle. Yet no homeowner wants unforeseen heating repairs due to system failures in the frigid months. When the icy weather hits, you can go from sipping hot cocoa in your warm, cozy kitchen to being covered in blankets, desperately searching for heating repair services. If your HVAC system starts acting up and needs an expert’s eye, we’re here to help. If you should ever need heating repair services, you can easily schedule an appointment with us. However, before Montana’s long winter hits, there are a few preventative steps you can do to ensure you stay on top of any heating repairs that might pop up. Here are five repairs you should consider doing this fall to get your HVAC winter-ready.

Prepare for Winter: 5 Heating Repairs to Stay on Top of this Fall

1. Thermostat Malfunctions

The first and simplest step you can take to stay on top of heating repairs is to check your thermostat. Begin by turning your thermostat on. Once you do so, you can see if your furnace turns on and starts warming your home as it should. Otherwise, wait a few moments. If nothing happens, it could mean a few problems. Your thermostat not turning on might indicate that the thermostat itself may need replacing. It could also mean that the batteries in the thermostat have gone bad or a fuse in your breaker is causing power issues. If so, be sure to call us. Our licensed HVAC contractors receive extensive training and certifications, so they are trained to solve heating repairs that might not be obvious to most homeowners.

2. Old Air Filters

A second action you can take is to inspect the air filters in your system. Furnaces and heat pumps have filters, but boilers do not. The purpose of an air filter is to improve the air circulating in your home. Their main job is to remove pollutants and keep your HVAC system running smoothly. If they are not changed regularly, they can get clogged up and cause your system to work harder and less efficiently. Over time, not changing your filters can cost you money in energy savings and even damage your system’s compressor. So, be sure to change your filters consistently. We recommend changing your filters every one to three months. It is best to change 1″ filters every month and 4″ filters every three months. Keep a log and set a helpful reminder for yourself.

3. HVAC Leaks & Other Damage

Next, you should visually inspect your heating system by checking for anything out of the ordinary. Inspect your air ducts for any moisture accumulation. Excessive moisture and condensation can mean that your air ducts are leaking and that they need to be sealed. Or, if you see any pools of fluid around the base of your furnace, that could signal a malfunction within the system or even bad piping. Also, when looking closely, try to spot any cracks in the system. If you discover cracks, it could mean that your system’s constant heating and cooling has caused metal fatigue on the unit. When this happens, you might smell an unusual odor. It can mean that your heat exchanger needs repairing or replacing.

4. Repairing vs. Replacing Your HVAC System

At Mountain Heating and Cooling, we offer both heating repairs to our customers. However, this fall, if your heating system is having problems and you simply do not know if it requires a few repairs or an entire replacement, ask yourself these questions:

  • Is your warranty still current? If so, any repairs you may have might be covered. In this instance, repairing your system to keep it running at its best is what is likely needed.
  • Has your system needed constant maintenance within the last year? If it has, this might indicate more serious problems are occurring with the unit. Replacing your system with an updated HVAC can save you money in the long run, and there are rebates available to most homeowners where you can get up to a 30% tax credit.
  • Is your system over 10 years old? Older systems requiring more maintenance can mean the system is struggling to work properly and needs to be replaced. Newer systems can improve energy efficiency and save you money because they run much more effectively.

These and other questions have been compiled by our friends at Trane to help you better understand if your heating system just needs repairs or replacement.

5.) Regular Maintenance

Finally, but most importantly, the last step you can take this fall is to have your heating system regularly maintained. According to the Department of Energy, “Heating your home uses more energy and costs more money than any other system in your home.” Since that is the case, why would you ever neglect such an essential part of your home? Neglected heating systems cause homeowners costly repairs and excessive heating bills. Well-maintained heating systems operate properly and efficiently, have a longer lifespan, and save homeowners money on their utility bills over time.

Plus, we make it easy for our customers to get the maintenance they need without worrying about hassle or expense. We offer preferred membership agreements in Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum plans. These memberships can include reminder services, points inspections, pre-season scheduling, and repair warranties. We have also partnered with Wells Fargo to offer financing options for our customers, so you can repair your furnace today and pay over time. This convenient financing offers you a monthly payment that fits your budget.

Schedule an Appointment Today & Stay on Top of Heating Repairs!

The fall months will go quickly, and winter will be here in no time. Before the cold days of winter arrive, be sure to take these preventative steps and address these heating repairs to ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly—not just this winter, but for a lifetime. We have a “Call us today, we’ll be there today” guarantee, so reach out and schedule an appointment. Our professional technicians are ready to answer your questions and help keep your HVAC operating at its best. We are here to help!

Why Choose a Ductless Heat Pump: Upgrade Your Home’s Comfort & Efficiency

Why Choose a Ductless Heat Pump: Upgrade Your Home’s Comfort & Efficiency

There’s a saying in Montana: “If you don’t like the weather, just give it a moment. It will change!” The weather in Bozeman may be inclement one moment and then scorching the next, but it doesn’t matter when your home has a ductless heat pump.

Ductless heat pumps are famous for keeping homes at a comfortable temperature all year long. We’ve found that they not only optimize your home’s entire heating and cooling system, but they can even add value to your property. One of the most significant advantages of installing a ductless heat pump system is its ability to be customized for your comfort. For example, with a multiple-zone system, you can choose the temperature of each room within your home. Plus, because of the Inflation Reduction Act, homeowners can receive a 30% tax credit good towards the total cost of what you pay for a heat pump, up to $2,000. And, in addition to the tax credits, homeowners may be eligible for heat pump rebates good for up to $1,750 for a heat pump water heater and $8,000 for heat pumps for space heating and cooling.

If you’re investigating HVAC options for your household, it’s worth checking out the benefits of a ductless heat pump. Keep reading to explore what a ductless heat pump is, its advantages, and how installing a heat pump can pay for itself in energy savings.

Ductless Heat Pumps: Maximizing Your Home’s Comfort & Efficiency

What is a Ductless Heat Pump?

A ductless heat pump is an energy-efficient heating and cooling system that redistributes warm air from the outside of a home and brings it inside. It does this by pulling heat from the ground and then transferring it through the ductless heat pump system into your home. It can also do this in reverse. It can remove the warm air from inside your home and then distribute it back outside through a valve that directs the flow of refrigerant in the unit.

Ductless heat pumps contain two components that are shaped like compact rectangular boxes. One component is placed outside of the home, while an inside component is connected to pipes or ducts. The number of units inside a home can vary depending on how many rooms a homeowner wants them installed in.

These systems can also be known as “mini-split heat pumps” because they can be split into single or multiple zones. Single-zone split heat pumps cover a single-zone area within your home, while a multiple-zone split heat pump can cover multiple areas. Whether they are single-zone or multiple-zone split heat pumps, all units are connected to a thermostat.

Homeowners can’t always choose the heating and cooling systems that come with their homes. However, as a homeowner, you don’t have to live with the consequences of a heating and cooling system that is not meeting your needs, using too much energy, and failing to maximize your home’s value. Ductless heat pumps have many advantages, such as they are highly energy efficient, ideal if you only need to heat or cool a particular area of your home, and they can save on energy costs, bringing added value to your home.

What are the Advantages of a Ductless Heat Pump?

Bozeman ductless heat pump installations have risen in popularity in the Gallatin Valley in recent years. And for good reason. Homeowners appreciate having the customization of single-zone and multiple-zone areas they can personalize to the unique needs of their home. They also welcome that if their home doesn’t have ductwork installed, ductless heat pumps can be an excellent solution for heating and cooling. These and other advantages make ductless heat pumps an attractive option for homeowners deciding on whether to install one in their home.

  1. It can be used Year Round
    • The most obvious advantage of having a ductless heat pump is that it can “reverse cycle.” This means that it can extract heat from inside your home and transfer it outside. A ductless heat pump can then bring energy from outside of your house inside, thereby cooling and heating your home as needed.
  2. Control the Zones in Your Home
    • Ductless heat pumps allow you to control temperatures independently in different zones with multiple-zone units. This allows for personalized comfort throughout your home. It is particularly ideal if you have rooms that seem too warm or too cool. It is a good option if you have many people living in your home whose comfort levels vary.
  3. Highly Energy Efficient
    • Ductless heat pumps are one of the most cost-effective forms of heating and cooling available, which is why they are so popular. According to Mitsubishi, one of the ductless heat pump brands we take pride in offering, “ductless heating systems can save 30-40% of the energy costs of a forced air system.
  4. Convenient and Safe
    • With ductless heat pumps, rooms can be cooled or heated within a matter of minutes. You can switch from heating to cooling with a touch of a button. And there are no flames or hot surfaces like those with gas heating or wood stoves. So, there is no need to worry about pets, people, or furniture getting harmfully burned.
  5. Add Value to Your Home
    • Because ductless heat pumps save an average of 30% to 70% on energy costs, they are adding value to homeowner’s homes. They are 2-3x more efficient than gas furnaces, and the savings adds up over the years.

How are Ductless Heat Pumps Installed?

Installing ductless heat pumps is relatively simple, but a licensed HVAC technician should do it because refrigerant lines will need to be installed, connected and charged. Fortunately, because these types of heat pumps are ductless, there is no need to install extensive ductwork within a home. The duration of the installation depends on how many components will need to be installed in the home. After installation is complete, homeowners can begin using their ductless systems immediately.

At Mountain Heating and Cooling, when we install a ductless heat pump, we prefer to use the best heating and cooling systems available. We prefer using Trane and Mitsubishi ductless heating pumps because they are famous for their quality, durability, and reliability. However, should you ever need Bozeman ductless heat repair, we are committed to fixing your ductless heat pump quickly, making your home comfortable again as soon as possible.

Upgrade Your Home’s Comfort & Efficiency: Call Our Team of Ductless Heat Pump Experts

If the Montana summers are feeling a little hotter and its winters a little colder, it could be time to upgrade your home’s heating and cooling systems. Ductless heat pumps are an excellent solution to making your home more energy-efficient and comfortable all year round. At Mountain Heating and Cooling, we pride ourselves on being ductless heat pump experts. Each of our HVAC technicians has received extensive, ongoing training and certification so your installation goes smoothly. We will make sure that your ductless heat pump installation exceeds your expectations. Reach out to us at Mountain Heating and Cooling.

4 Best Energy-Saving Practices for Summer Air Conditioning in Montana

4 Best Energy-Saving Practices for Summer Air Conditioning in Montana

In Montana, it feels like we only get two seasons—winter and summer! Winters bury the Bridgers in snow, while summers are filled with blue-skied, long days when the sun doesn’t set until well into the evening. As much as we love the few months of the year when we get warmer weather, summers in Montana can get very hot. The heat can feel unrelenting!

So, the welcomed chill of good air conditioning offers a wonderful reprieve. More and more homes in Bozeman use air conditioning to bring cool relief from endless, scorching summer days. However, suppose you are not using energy-efficient air conditioning best practices. In that case, you’re not only going to waste time and money, but you’re going to reduce the level of cool air you could be enjoying. You might as well have the front door of your home wide open—letting the cool air out and hot air in.

High summer air conditioning bills can often take a toll on your wallet and peace of mind if you aren’t careful. At Mountain Heating & Cooling, we value your budget and your comfort, so we curated a list of energy-saving practices that you can use during the summer months. Read on to explore the four best practices you can use to help you optimize your HVAC system’s energy efficiency during the long summer months in Montana.

4 Best Energy-Saving Practices for Summer Air Conditioning in Montana

1.) Schedule Regular A/C Maintenance

Most homeowners do not want to replace their air conditioners in the heat of summer. Have no fear, our Bozeman HVAC contractors and technicians are highly-trained professionals who make the whole process effortless. Often we find that debris in your cooling system and neglect are two of the top reasons air conditioning units work poorly or break down altogether. One minute you are enjoying the refreshing cool comfort of your home, and the next, you are beginning to wonder why it feels as stifling inside your house as it does outside. To avoid needing to schedule a new air conditioner installation this summer, here are two easy tips you can take advantage of:

  • Clean and Replace Air Filters – Every air conditioner has an air filter in it which helps filter out larger dust and dirt particles in the air as your unit runs. If neglected, dust and particles will build up and clog the air filter, making your air conditioning system work harder and less efficiently. This can cause your home not to be cooled properly and even make your monthly energy bills spike. Cleaning and replacing air filters every few months can help keep your air conditioner running smoothly.
  • Maintain Your Outdoor A/C UnitOften overlooked, keeping the area around your outside unit clean and free from clutter can help it perform well all summer long. Make sure you trim back shrubs and overgrown plants that can interfere with the unit’s operations. Also, having a technician clean out your HVAC system before and after the summer months can cut costs on your utility bill considerably and prevent early repairs or even A/C failure. Fortunately, these are completely avoidable issues. With proper maintenance by a qualified technician, you can take important and necessary steps to prevent these problems.

2.) Utilize Window Treatments & Fans

Window treatments and fans can work together to cool a home, so your A/C unit doesn’t have to work as hard without them. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that highly-reflective blinds can reduce heat gain by 45%. So installing blinds and window treatments in your home can be a helpful, easy option to block out the sweltering summer heat. Also, using ceiling or circulating fans causes hot air, which rises, to be cooled and dispersed throughout a room. This, in turn, saves you money on costly utility bills. Remember:

  • Be sure to hang your curtain shades as closely as possible to your windows to block out radiant outdoor heat.
  • Turning on your fans when you are in the room will make it feel cooler and circulate the air throughout the room. To save energy turn the fans off when you’re not utilizing the room.

3.) Use a Programmable or Smart Thermostats

At Mountain Heating and Cooling, we use ENERGY STAR-certified products like Trane air conditioners and smart thermostats. These types of programmable and smart thermostats allow you more opportunities to regulate your cooling system better and optimize your home to save energy. Smart and programmable thermostats use less energy than standard thermostats. They can be scheduled for a specific time that you want your cooling system to kick on, so you don’t waste power while you are not at home, and your a/c unit does not have to work so hard staying on all the time. They also have useful features such as:

  • Using real-time weather data to gauge what to set your home temperature at.
  • Scheduling accessibility that lets you adjust your home’s smart thermostat from your tablet, computer, or smartphone and monitor your system remotely.

4.) Properly Seal and Insulate Your Home

Why seal and insulate your home? It is simple. It saves energy and saves you money. 

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, proper insulation and sealing in your home can lower your heating and cooling costs. Homes that do not have adequate insulation and sealing can experience temperature losses or gains, which can make for uncomfortable days during inclement summer weather. Insulation and sealing in your attic, around windows, doors, and even floors can ensure your air conditioning performs optimally. And when you do this, cool air is prevented from escaping, and warm air is stopped from infiltrating your home. Oh, and it will help you be more comfortable in the summer too.

Use Best Practices for Summer Air Conditioning and Enjoy the Energy Savings!

Wise summer air conditioning decisions can mean the difference between enjoying the cool sanctuary of your home or wishing you were anywhere else. If you invest the time and utilize these tips to keep your air conditioning system operating at its best, you ensure it will work optimally for you for years to come. And if it begins to show signs that it is time to maintain it, repair it, or replace it, reach out to Mountain Heating & Cooling, your air conditioning installation experts—we’ve got your back!

5 Summer Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid

5 Summer Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid

Many Bozeman homeowners don’t realize that their summer air conditioning habits are running their air conditioning units ragged. As the summer heat rolls in, air conditioning becomes a lifeline for many Gallatin Valley households. In contrast to Montana’s long, cold winters, summer temperatures in Big Sky Country frequently climb to the 80s and 90s, sometimes even triple digits. Air conditioning can offer wonderful relief from the heat of summer; however, you may need to change up how you run your a/c unit in the summer vs how you would run it during other months of the year.

In the summer, many homeowners make key mistakes that can weaken the efficiency of their HVAC system, making it work harder than necessary. Often, these mistakes can increase your home’s energy consumption and increase the likelihood of your air conditioning unit needing repairs.

Want to make sure your HVAC unit keeps your home cool all summer long? We’ve outlined the most common summer air conditioning mistakes to avoid along with simple solutions to help you solve them.

5 Summer Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid

Mistake #1: Choosing the Wrong A/C Unit Size

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when it comes to summer air conditioning is installing an HVAC system that is either too small or too large for their space. An undersized unit will struggle to cool your home efficiently, leading to increased energy usage and premature wear and tear. On the other hand, an oversized unit that cools the house too rapidly will cycle on and off more frequently than it should. This rapid “on-and-off” cycling wastes energy and can cause the unit to wear out before it should.

Solution: Have a Professional Measure Your Home for the Right A/C Unit Size

When choosing an HVAC unit, it’s wise to consult a professional who can accurately assess your home’s cooling needs and recommend the appropriate a/c unit size. During a load calculation test, an HVAC technician will consider your home’s duct conditions, room size, insulation, shade and sun angles, and seasonal weather conditions. Based on these considerations, they will recommend an A/C unit that matches your home’s cooling needs and does not expend excess energy.

At Mountain Heating & Cooling, we specialize in Bozeman air conditioning installation with expertise in the unique demands of mountain living conditions. Schedule an appointment with our team today to have an HVAC professional assess your home for the right A/C unit size.

Mistake #2: Opening Doors and Windows During the Day

During the hot summer days, opening doors and windows lets hot air from outside flow into your home, causing your A/C system to work harder to maintain the desired temperature.

Solution: Keep Doors and Windows Closed When Your Air Conditioner is Running

To maintain a comfortable indoor environment, keep your doors and windows closed during peak heat hours. If you want to let fresh air in, do so during the cooler hours of the early morning or late evening.

Mistake #3: Inconsistent A/C Usage

Some people make the mistake of turning off their air conditioner completely when they leave the house, assuming that they can return and quickly cool the space down to their desired temperature. However, this puts unnecessary strain on the system and can result in increased energy consumption.

Solution: Set Your Thermostat To a Slightly Higher Temperature When You’re Away to Maintain a Stable Indoor Environment

Setting your thermostat to a slightly higher temperature when you’re away allows the A/C unit to maintain a more stable indoor environment. A Trane air conditioner, for example, has a maximum temperature setback (aka “setback” or “setback programming”) of 4 degrees Fahrenheit while you’re out of the house or during certain periods of the day. So if you want your home to be at 72 degrees by 6 PM, set the daytime maximum temperature at 76 degrees when you’re away. The purpose of an A/C unit setback is to save energy and reduce cooling costs without sacrificing comfort.

Mistake #4: Setting the Temperature Too Low

Did you know setting your thermostat to an excessively low temperature doesn’t cool your home faster? In reality, it just makes your air conditioner work harder and consume more energy.

Solution: Set Your A/C Unit for a Comfortable Temperature that Allows Your A/C System to Operate without Strain

A recommended summer air conditioning temperature setting is in the 70-degree Fahrenheit range during the summer months. This temperature can help maintain a balance between comfort, unit efficiency, and energy savings. Also, consider using ceiling fans or portable fans to amplify the cooling effect.

Mistake #5: Putting Off Regular Maintenance and Repairs

Proper air conditioning system maintenance is essential to ensure its longevity and efficiency. Neglecting routine maintenance—such as filter cleaning or replacement—can lead to reduced airflow and decreased cooling performance. In some cases, putting off maintenance can actually lead to you needing to replace the entire unit and have a new air conditioner installed. Wondering if your air conditioner is on its last legs? Check out our post on the signs it’s time to repair or replace your air conditioner.

Solution: Schedule Regular Maintenance

Plan for regular or seasonal maintenance with trusted HVAC professionals to inspect and tune up your system. At Mountain Heating & Cooling, we can identify and address any issues promptly, helping prevent breakdowns and avoid expensive repairs.

Wondering if you might need Bozeman air conditioning repair services? If your unit isn’t running well, contact us to assess your system and provide recommendations for a new, energy-efficient unit that suits your needs. We can also help you upgrade to a new Trane air conditioning system for enhanced energy efficiency and long-lasting reliability in your home.

Avoid Common A/C Mistakes and Stay Cool and Comfortable All Summer Long

Whether your A/C unit is new or old, it’s important to be mindful of the common summer air conditioning mistakes that can compromise your home’s comfort levels. From choosing the right unit to scheduling regular maintenance, simple actions can help avoid surprises down the road. As your trusted Bozeman A/C repair and installation experts, the Mountain Heating & Cooling team is here to help ensure your HVAC system keeps running smoothly and efficiently, all season long. Reach out to us today for a consultation.

Stay on Top of These 9 Sneaky Air Conditioner Repairs

Stay on Top of These 9 Sneaky Air Conditioner Repairs

They happen to everyone—air conditioner repairs. They creep up when you least expect it but more frequently as you head into the spring and summer. As you start using your air conditioner more in the warmer months, sometimes your air conditioner shows warning signs of needing a repair, especially if it’s older or hasn’t been properly maintained in a while.

In the end, even the best air conditioners need to be repaired at some point, but staying on top of any repairs can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. So you don’t end up in the thick of summer without a well-functioning air conditioner, we’ve pulled together a list of air conditioner repairs to keep an eye out for. If you notice any of these problems or have any concerns about your air conditioner’s performance, contact our team of Bozeman air conditioning repair professionals for help.

9 Common Air Conditioner Repairs

1. Faulty Thermostat

A malfunctioning thermostat can cause your air conditioner to run too frequently, not enough, or not at all. Without proper repairs, an improperly functioning thermostat can cause your energy bills to skyrocket, lead to uneven cooling of your home, or result in your home not being cooled at all when you need it most. A few causes for a malfunctioning thermostat include wiring issues, incorrect thermostat placement, a broken thermostat sensor, and power problems.

2. Drainage Issues

Your air conditioner’s drain line—responsible for carrying away condensation on the evaporator coil—can often be the culprit for needing a repair. Drain lines can become clogged or obstructed over time, which can lead to water backing up into the HVAC system and causing damage.

3. Electrical Problems

Electrical issues can cause a wide range of problems that could lead to you needing air conditioner repair services. From faulty wiring and loose connections to a tripped circuit breaker and corrosion, electrical problems can cause your air conditioner to wear out too quickly and need repairs.

4. Faulty Capacitors

Capacitors are essential to air conditioning units. Without them, the motors that power the fans and compressor won’t function properly. If you have a faulty, old, or dirty capacitor, it can cause your air conditioner to fail and need repairs.

5. Low Refrigerant or Leaks

Refrigerant is the substance that circles through your air conditioning system and is responsible for cooling the air that is blown into your home. If you have low refrigerant levels, your air conditioner will blow warm air or not cool the air at all. Sometimes, a leak in the evaporator coil, condenser coil, or connecting lines can cause your refrigerant levels to get low and cause damage to your HVAC system. Regular air conditioner maintenance can help you avoid low refrigerant levels and leaks, extending the lifespan of your air conditioner unit.

6. Dirty Air Filters

One of the main culprits for why your air conditioner isn’t working properly is your air filter. Dirty or clogged air filters reduce airflow through your air conditioner and, in severe cases, can cause your unit to freeze. Regular maintenance and changing of your air filter can help keep your air conditioner in tip-top shape and avoid the need for intensive repairs.

7. Dirty Air Conditioner Coils

Your air conditioner has two coils: the condenser coil (located outdoors) and the evaporator coil (located indoors). Both of these coils have refrigerant running through them and help regulate the cooling functionality of your air conditioner unit. However, when these coils become dirty, the coils are unable to properly cool your home, resulting in your unit running longer than it should and pushing hot air into your home. An experienced HVAC technician can clean your air conditioner’s coils and return them to an optimal state.

8. Failing Blower Motor

The blower motor is essential to your air conditioner, as it’s responsible for circulating cool air throughout your home. When the blower motor fails, you experience reduced airflow and poor cooling performance throughout your home. Sometimes, you can even hear that your blower motor is failing, as your air conditioner may produce a humming, grinding, or rattling noise. If you suspect your blower motor may be failing, reach out to an air conditioning repair technician immediately to assess and remedy the issue. Delaying repairs can lead to further system damage and costly repairs.

9. Bad Compressor

The compressor is one of the most expensive components of your air conditioning system. The heart of the air conditioning unit, the compressor circulates refrigerant throughout your air conditioning unit. They can typically last between 10 and 15 years with proper maintenance, but lack of proper care can lead to harsh wear and tear on your compressor. Debris, dust particles, and refrigerant leaks can lead to the breakdown of your compressor, so having your compressor regularly maintained can save you expensive repairs in the long run.

Should I Repair My Air Conditioner Unit or Replace it?

If your air conditioner starts having problems, sometimes repairing your air conditioner unit is the best option. If its age and warranty are still good and the repairs are manageable, you likely do not need to replace your entire air conditioning unit at this time. However, there are cases when it is better to buy a new air conditioner rather than invest money in upkeeping your current unit. Here are a few signs it’s time to replace your air conditioner:

  • Odd noises are coming from your unit
  • The air smells strange
  • Your energy bills are higher
  • Your home’s air quality is poor
  • Your airflow is weak
  • The AC unit needs frequent or expensive repairs
  • Your AC unit is over 10 years old
  • Your air conditioner uses R-22 refrigerant

If you need advice selecting a new air conditioner for your home, check out our resource on how to choose the right air conditioner type for your home and our recommendations for the best air conditioner brands. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give our Bozeman HVAC team a call or shoot us a message—we can help you pick the best air conditioner for your needs!

Bozeman Air Conditioning Installation & Repair Services

Are you in the market for a new air conditioner or need your system repaired before the warm weather hits? We’ve got you covered! At Mountain Heating and Cooling, our team of NATE-certified technicians is here to diagnose and solve every air conditioning problem you may encounter. Whether you need your Trane air conditioner serviced before the long summer months, an air filter replacement, or a full air conditioner installation appointment, you can depend on our team to make sure your home stays comfy and cool. Schedule an appointment today!