Mountain Heating & Cooling

Make Life Easier with Bozeman Home Automation: HVAC Edition

Woman changing home temperature via smartphone

Is your home’s HVAC system making your life simpler or adding to your to-do list? Imagine that you’re heading out of town to a business meeting or on the highway onramp with a carload of kids on the way to a soccer tournament. But you accidentally left the heat or AC on full blast. The last thing you want is to step into a cold house when you return home or expend excess power that skyrockets your monthly energy bill. Life is busy enough, so you shouldn’t have to worry about your home being comfortable when you’re there and taken care of when you’re not.

Luckily, home automation means you can easily and automatically control the temperature in your home anytime and from anywhere. New home automation technologies give you freedom, control, and peace of mind in knowing that your home will always be at the right temperature. Plus, automation helps you save money on heating and cooling bills. As your Bozeman home automation experts, Mountain Heating and Cooling can make your home comfortable—and your life easier—with HVAC-friendly smart home technology. Read on to learn more about home automation or schedule an appointment with our experts today.

Check, Change, & Schedule Your Home Temperature from Anywhere

Did you know home automation can include your HVAC systems? Home automation systems can monitor and control your home furnace and air conditioning unit using a centralized smart thermostat. Most smart thermostats also tie into a smartphone or tablet app, so you can check, change, and preschedule the temperature of your home while you’re on the go. As the seasons change in Bozeman, home automation with HVAC control adjusts the air temperature inside your home. That way it’s always comfortable when you or your pets are there, and optimizes your energy usage when you’re away.

The Benefits of Home Automation

1. Smart Scheduling – Smart scheduling lets you fine-tune your HVAC’s operation schedule. For example, you can schedule your thermostat to start heating up at the right time to ensure it’s warm and cozy when you get home on cold winter evenings. During weekdays, you can automatically lower the temperature when you’re out, saving energy and cutting your heating bills.

2. Energy Tracking & Reporting – Automation also provides ongoing and annual system performance reports. This helps you optimize your heating and cooling schedules and reduce your home’s energy consumption and costs.

3. Smart Zoning – If you have Smart Zoning capabilities in your home, automation allows you to set different rooms to different temperatures. Don’t spend much time in the spare room or shop? Schedule your thermostat and smart vents accordingly so those rooms get less heat.

Where to Start with HVAC Automation

What HVAC systems can be included in your Belgrade or Bozeman home automation? You don’t need to take on an entire HVAC installation project to enjoy the benefits of home automation. We recommend starting simple with an easy thermostat swap.

Smart Thermostat Benefits

Regular thermostats allow you to adjust your home’s air temperature via a wall-mounted control panel. Smart thermostats, on the other hand, provide much more control and versatility than raising and lowering the air temperature by a few degrees. Although they still have a touch-based interface, they also allow you to make changes remotely through an app while automatically accounting for your daily and weekly schedules, where in your home you spend your time, and what temperature you’d like for different times of the day. In addition, smart thermostats offer insights into your home energy use patterns, giving you recommendations and updates on how to conserve energy while keeping your home perfectly comfortable.

Which Smart Thermostat is Best?

We are proud to help our customers choose and install the most innovative, energy-efficient products, reliable enough to take on the Big Sky State’s toughest weather conditions. As your trusted Bozeman home automation team, we offer a wide range of smart thermostats, including Trane® Home (previously Nexia™) that streamline home automation and let you connect from anywhere.

In addition, they give you integrated access to any other important smart systems you have installed like home locks, lights, and cameras. Trane and Nexia are compatible with all smartphones, Google Home, and Alexa. The Trane app also creates a two-way communication channel between you and your home furnace, so you get alerts to your phone or email (and your HVAC service provider gets notified) if your system needs repair. Once you have a smart thermostat, you can upgrade to other “smart parts” one at a time.

Contact Our Bozeman Home Automation Experts

A professional HVAC installation for your Bozeman home automation systems can provide peace of mind. With Mountain Heating & Cooling, you know your smart home systems will function reliably, supporting you and your family’s busy lifestyle by providing control and comfort you can count on. Reach out to us today for a home automation consultation.

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